Saturday, February 28, 2015

The power of purpose: what’s yours?

Though this may not always be the case, when you’re in touch with your calling, know your life purpose, or live your life knowing that you have a mission, in general, you tend to live your life in a certain direction.

Can you guess what that direction is?

Naturally; most things in your life tend to align around your purpose in life, as long as you know what it is, live consciously, and make at least a bit of effort to move in that direction.

And did I mention how fulfilling it can be? Believe me it’s wonderful!

A few years back, I revealed what my life purpose is. Fast forward a bit, and you’ll notice that I’ve modified it a bit, so that I now feel it resonates with me.

Here’s my life purpose/mission/calling:

“To empower others to live with passion and purpose;
so they can be who they were created to be, and
do what they were called to do!”

You’ll notice that it’s right around 25 words, and very easy for me to remember.

If you don’t have a mission statement, don’t worry. They’re easier than you think to put together.

Nightingale Conant has this really simple tool that makes is a breeze called the Mission Statement Builder. Check it out. Why not do it today?

You’ll never know the true power of passion and purpose until you do!

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