Saturday, February 15, 2014

"You Deserve a Break Today!"

This last week I've been exhausted. Tired, running on empty, kind of dragging along. Definitely not operating at my best. Two weeks ago, I started taking these new supplements: a super powerful greens product and a powerful antioxident. I started feeling great, within hours of first taking it. More energy, better outlook and attitude, a greater capacity for productivity.

So, what did I do? I started working harder, staying up later so I could get more done and sacrificed my sleep. Now I'm paying for it.

I recently found this study on the Slacker News website, "New Study Finds More Naps Mean A Healthier Heart," ( that said that it's great to take short naps during the day and that it may help your heart.

I've also heard that it's great to take a day of rest each week. I know that when I've tried it, it's had a huge impact on my health, outlook and emotional well-being.

Since most of us can ill afford to take that 30 minute snooze during the day, and it's even more difficult to take an entire day off and rest, I figure that somehow we can take some type of break where we just "do nothing more than enjoy or appreciate life."

I found this website that has some really beautiful images and sayings to encourage you to take that time. So, today or whenever you get the chance, take 10-15 minutes and check it out. Then, perhaps set up a daily time where you do nothing more than relax, recharge and renew your focus, whatever that looks like for you. Enjoy!

Here's that website:

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