Sunday, February 22, 2015

Character & Integrity Prevails, In The Long Run

Hollywood portrays the successful business person as doing "whatever it takes" to succeed, with little regard for morals, honesty or integrity. Whatever shortcut, conniving scheme, manipulative trick that will get that person to the top, make them millions or achieve their goals is considered acceptable.

But is it really? Whatever happened to character? Integrity? Honesty?

Anyone ever heard of the saying, "what goes around, comes around? I think some people call it karma. Others call it the law of attraction. Whatever you call it, it "bites back," even if you don't believe it will. Now, I don't mean this in a graceless, legalistic or harsh manner. It's just a law of nature that I've seen play out many times in my own life.

Here's a really uplifting story I read the other day. You know how the movies most often portray cops as dishonest, amoral,"on the take," or more interested in racking up tickets to meet his/her monthly revenue quota than serving others?

Well, this article, "Cop who ticketed himself reaps praise" may seem a little silly or even ridiculous at first glance, but it speaks volumes when it comes to character. Here's what happened, according to the article:

"Chief Dick Knoebel drove past a stopped school bus with its lights flashing in September, then wrote himself a ticket for $235 and docked himself four points on his driving record."

Most police officers would have blown it off or outright ignored the flagrant violation. But this guy, Chief Dick Knoebel "did the right thing," even when no one was looking.

Now, in my book, that's the definition of character: what you do and how you act when no one's looking. That's the true you. If only more of us would follow his example more often, what a different world we might live in...
Oh, and here's the link for the article so you can read it yourself.

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