Monday, January 23, 2012

Change Your Thinking--Change Your Life

I was just talking to a good friend last night about affirmations. In an earlier post I mentioned the tie-in with beliefs and success or accomplishments.

For me and a lot of other people into the self-help movement, lasting change is a bit of a challenge. How many motivational seminars have you been to? How many positive books have you read? I've read tons of stuff on personal growth, success and change. I've even attended a few powerful seminars, to boot. By all means, continue to do this--but don't stop there.

The bottom line?

It doesn't seem to last. In other words, you've read that book, attended that life-changing seminar and it fades in a few days, for most. You're motivated, excited and enthusiastic about the changes you're going to make and what you're going to do, then reality hits again. And your back to where you were. Why?

I personally believe it comes down to application. A lot of people including myself struggle with that. The reason they do is that their deep-seeded personal beliefs get in their way, and basically prohibit them from making the change. I know, I've been there.

As I mentioned last week, if you believe you don't deserve to make good money, chances are you won't. Your subconscious mind will work to ensure that that's the case.

The Answer
Being an avid researcher and always looking for tools that help, I stumbled upon something pretty fantastic. It's a meditation technique where you use headphones while listening to CDs. It only takes about 30 minutes a day and it's painless. But the results are out of this world! Really.

There are thousands of people already enjoying wonderful changes in their lives as a result and there's tons of in-depth scientific research backing it.

Here's What It Does:
(& it's not some new age garbage either, but applied science)

  1. Using music and pc-generated signals, it puts your brain into an alpha-beta-theta state.
  2. It relaxes and de-stresses you as it slows you way down.
  3. You can record your own personal affirmations and have them embedded on this CD.
Why it works...
As I've said, affirmations are great, but you have to do them a certain way to make them work. Here's how they do. By putting your brain into a meditative state and playing your affirmations in this manner, you're bypassing your conscious mind where your beliefs reside, and literally creating new beliefs or pathways in the brain.

I know, I know, it sounds weird, maybe scary, but it works!

Check out this link where they do a better job of explaining the whole process. (I've been a client for years but don't profit by my relationship with them):

Honestly, there are few tools out there that are as powerful as this one! So, check it out--you'll be glad you did.

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