Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Do It To It!

"Just do it!" Nike's familiar slogan sounds great in theory. However in terms of personal application, practically speaking it may not fly.

I know for me, I like to understand and know why I'm doing something, so blind action is not usually my strongpoint.

For others, its easy to just get something done by an act of sheer willpower. Still, there are others who seem defeated before they even start. And they don't understand why. On the surface, many people have great goals and desires, but when it comes right down to it, they're stuck. They have significant blocks that keep them from achieving the success they desire and living the life they want.

The reason? Subconscious beliefs. I touched on this in an earlier post. These types of beliefs aren't easy to change, though it is possible.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book, The Power of Positive Thinking. Honestly, it was the first thing that made sense to me in the midst of all the other self-improvement books out there. But it was incomplete. I tried thinking positively. I attempted affirmations and reading positive books--none of it really took--nor had the lasting affect I was going for.

Most everyone knows of Napolean Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich. He has this great quote that goes like this: "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." Now this makes sense to me--focus on the word believe.

If in the deepest part of who you are, you do not really believe you deserve success or money or whatever, its never going to happen for you, regardless of how hard you try.


Because your subconscious is busy making sure your circumstances match your beliefs, whether you know it or not.

So, what do you do? What works? I stumbled upon something that is a surefire method to lasting change. I'll let you in on it in my next post.

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