Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Like a Candle in the Wind:" Anna Nicole Smith & Your Health

Just the other day I found this great website,, that allows you to take this great test to see where you stand health-wise. Granted, it’s a gimmick, but it makes sense. I took it and when all the dust cleared, I was actually 6 years younger health-wise than my actual age. I attribute this to the fact that I’ve lost significant weight after my appendectomy a while ago, and have kept it off through a healthy diet and exercise.

Think on how important it is to do everything you can do to remain healthy. I realize I need to stick to my exercise and aerobics regimen, and to eat nutritious foods, at least a good deal of the time.
Ask yourself:
  1. How do you feel? Are you operating at your optimum? When you wake up are you ready to go or do you already have that headache and flagging energy that drags throughout your day?
  2. Where do you want to be? Are you satisfied with your health, productivity, physical-emotional-spiritual balance or would you like to make improvements?
  3. Are you willing to change? If you’re happy where you are, great! If you would like to make improvements, start small. Maybe you could begin by taking the test at Yes, it’s a bit long, but it’s also very comprehensive. This could be just the jumpstart or catalyst to start you on your way to a “new you!”
  4. What are some easy, simple things you could do that would have an impact on your health? Ideas: get to bed earlier, cut out those triple cheeseburgers and super large fries at Wendy’s, walk twice a week, etc.

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