Thursday, April 11, 2013

What does success mean to you?

For some, success may mean any of the following:

•    A high-paying job
•    Lots of money in the bank
•    Several nice cars in the garage
•    Annual vacation destinations, anywhere you want

If you thought long and hard about it, you’d probably realize that while money is nice (in fact you sure miss it when you don’t have any), it isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. That pretty much covers the four bullets above.

Now, of course there’s nothing wrong with nice things. But the fact remains that you can’t take them with you to heaven, so what is it that really matters on this side?

Here’s my list of what “success” means to me:

•    Being who I was created to be doing what I’m called to do
•    A fulfilling high paying job that I love that impacts others
•    Time freedom; the ability to do what I want with whom I want
•    Spending quality time with family and friends
•    Financial freedom that enables me to serve and give to others
•    Traveling all over the world several times a year

My advice?

What ever success means to you, make sure that you’re clear on what it is, and that it has meaning beyond the 9 to 5 grind, then go after it with all your heart.

You’d be amazed when you’re clear on success and what you want, how everything falls into place so effortlessly.

May there be joy in your journey wherever your “travels” lead you!

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