Saturday, January 14, 2012

Food for Thought (or quotes to live by)

This weekend I was going thru some old stuff and found some of my long-lost quotes, dear to my heart.

Over the next few weeks, I'll talk about these more in-depth. I'll hit on what they mean to me and how they can serve as reminders to keep us moving along the signposts of life in the pursuit of our goals, dreams and desires.

They are especially helpful when you hit a snag, become discouraged or things take a turn for the worse--when there's not much else you can do.

And oh, yeah. Scripture works well too. By this I mean verses from the Bible. More on that later.

But, for now, here are some of my favorites:


"We become what we think about. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy."--Kierkegaard

"Concentrate on where you want to go not on what you fear."--Anthony Robbins

"It's a funning thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it."--W. Somerset Maugham

"To love what you do and can feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"--Katherine Jackson

Got any earth-moving quotes or sayings that have rocked your world? Let me know.

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