Friday, March 9, 2012

Perfectly Positive Pollyanna Get's Real

Last night I was thinking about the big disconnect between my desires and where I really am. For me there's this huge gaping valley that at times seems impossible to traverse.

Here's what I mean:
  • I want to be positive but I tend to be critical and judgemental.
  • I want to be happy but don't always seem to have the best attitude.
  • I want to be unaffected by my circumstances, but tend toward frustration.
Now I understand that life isn't perfect and that we are all our own biggest critics, yet it would be wise to include a lot of grace in the mix. Not only when dealing with others, but also when dealing with ourselves. I think it would go a long way.

Anyway, I found this great article by David Leonhardt entitled simply "Happiness" that really encouraged my heart-it adjusted my perspective in a way that I desperately needed.

His website is: and you can get his "Daily Dose of Happiness" email, where I got this piece. I've taken the liberty of emphasizing key points.

Are you happy every day? Are you happy every hour? Are you happy every minute? Me neither.

Happiness is not about wearing a 24/7 grin across your face. Happiness is about being comfortable with who you are and where you are, and feeling that your life is good.

There is room for frustration in happiness.
There is no room for being ruled by frustration.

There is room for sadness in happiness.
There is no room for being ruled by sadness.

There is room for anger in happiness.
There is no room for being ruled by anger."
What a refreshing perspective!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Choices That Change Your Life, Guaranteed

Years ago I kind of just floated through life, without a whole lot of direction. It was commonplace for me to be swayed by my circumstances, and my attitude reflected what I was going through. My outlook was generally pessimistic and the words out of my mouth usually reflected a cynical disposition.

More recently, though, I have realized that:
  • I can't CONTROL my circumstances.
  • However, I can control HOW I RESPOND to circumstances.
  • My attitude and outlook on life shape my circumstances.
  • So, I can make choices that shape my attitude that gets me THROUGH circumstances.
My desire is to be joyful, happy and peaceful at all times. You, too, can make these choices that will change your life.

Though I'm not perfect and no one is, you can strive toward these ideals and watch your life be transformed. (I know this sounds simplistic and borderline "cheesy," but I encourage you to try it).

Daily, in everything you do, as difficult as it is, choose:

1) Gratitude. Keep your heart open and be thankful for everything that comes your way. That doesn't mean you have to like it, only accept it and stop forcing things to go the way you want. You'll find that life is a lot easier.

2) To be happy. Regardless of your circumstances, make a decision to remain happy. No one or nothing can steal your happiness unless YOU ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.

3) To be joyful. Make a decision to focus on what is good and right with the world, instead of being obsessed with the bad, evil or wrong in society. This doesn't mean ignoring these things or becoming a positive pollyanna, but what you focus on is usually what you get.

4) To operate out of rest: Strive to function out of a place of contentment and acceptance, peace & faith, knowing that all things are working for your good. Repeat to yourself, "I no longer struggle but naturally attract those things in life that I want and need, and walk in the miraculous daily."